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Press Release: PAS Awarded Grant To Develop Asbestos Testing Solution

Press Release: PAS Awarded Government Grant To Develop Asbestos Testing Solution

Portable Analytical Solutions Pty Ltd (PAS) has just been awarded a $98,500 Federal Government Grant to develop a real-time and accurate asbestos testing solution.

PAS is one of only five companies to be awarded this grant from the Federal Government. They will be attempting to develop technology that solves the long and time-consuming process of asbestos identification.

Asbestos is still a major ongoing issue in Australia. It is estimated 1 in 3 homes are still being affected nationwide. In fact, asbestos waste has continued to increase since 2006 with over 1.3 million tonnes of waste containing asbestos being disposed of in 2019-20. (Asbestos waste data in Australia)

Every year in Australia, there are an estimated 4,000 deaths from past exposure to asbestos. That’s twice as many people as road deaths.

In homes built before 1990, asbestos can still be found both inside and outside the home. People and trades working on homes built before 1990 must be extra vigilant about asbestos. 

There are currently no approved methods to quickly test and identify Asbestos. Material samples must be sent to laboratories for testing and analysis to determine if asbestos is in the material. This process often takes days and potentially over a week for results.

The result of this is Asbestos remediation can be slow. Sites exposed to asbestos can be shut down for extended periods while waiting for test results. Having major financial and public health impacts.

A real-time solution will allow for immediate identification of materials so the site can be made safe and correct containment procedures used.

The Federal government has put the challenge to industry to develop a solution to this National and International problem.

As a local technology company, PAS has been supplying and enhancing portable scientific instrumentation with a range of technologies and industries for over 12 years. Based on the Central Coast of NSW. 

They supply a range of scientific analysis devices. Many of their devices are used in Mining, Defence, Heavy Industry, Environmental and Agriculture.

PAS has received this grant to further develop existing technology to solve the asbestos issue. By enhancing Near-Infrared technology (NIR), testing for asbestos will be enabled through a handheld device that delivers accurate results in a matter of seconds.

Their Managing Director Paul Martin has over 20 years in the industry and previously worked in the US as a Solutions Engineer for one of the largest scientific equipment companies in the world.

“By initiating this grant, the Federal Government is acknowledging the significant ongoing issue of asbestos. Particularly the issue of delayed identification of asbestos material which has a significant cost to industry and public health.’ Paul said.

Paul is confident they will be able to develop a solution to this national issue. “With the MicroPhazir we have already been able to calibrate it to successfully detect asbestos. In fact, we can already detect the 6 forms of asbestos.” 

What this grant allows us to do is test more samples, refine the software algorithms and further calibrate the machines. This will improve the accuracy of the devices and ensure they meet Australian conditions.”

The enhancement of this technology could also have International applications. The lack of an approved rapid asbestos identification is a worldwide issue.

“Australia is one of the leading advocates for Asbestos awareness and eradication in the world. As we solve one piece of the challenge here, we’ll then be able to take this solution to the world.” Paul said.

If PAS is successful in developing its solution it could mean great employment opportunities for the Coast. They will need to expand facilities and ramp up service capabilities to distribute locally and internationally.

Seed Quality Testing Promises A Bumper Harvest

don’t come up a cropper – seed quality testing promises a bumper harvest

Crop health and yield are highly influenced by seed quality. 

Low-quality seeds lead to weak seedlings and slow germination. 

Agricultural seed testing can prevent challenges like cold soil, soil-borne pathogens, and other unfavourable conditions. 

Further, the rise in demand for organic seeds has led to an increase in the availability of high-quality seeds crucial for our food and nutrition.

Seeds are outstandingly important – most plants propagate via seeds and for many crops, e.g. cereals and oil seeds, the seeds are the essential part of the harvest.

Determining seed quality is a key step in plant research, seed breeding, seed production, seed trade, and seed storage and maintenance in gene banks. 

This implies the properties of the seed as well as germination characteristics, together with tests for purity or weed contamination in seed batches.

Many protocols are available that determine how to test the seed features, seed batch properties, seed germination, or seedling emergence.

What Makes A Good Seed? 

Required varietyAnalytical purity
Good plant establishmentFreedom from disease

Digital Seed Testing

Digital seed testing tools do not change the testing process as such, but they provide an assistance and documentation system for the inspection process. 

By complementing the visual inspection, they improve the process so that it is better standardised, repeatable, person-independent and high-throughput.

The digital systems work with images recorded from the seed – or seedling – samples. 

Recording images has two major goals – first, image processing extracts features that are relevant for the inspection as such, and second, images serve as documentation of the sample material at the moment of the inspection. 

Already the documentation via the recorded images is an advantage over the visual scoring process where numbers are noted down. 

The documentation allows re-inspection of the material at later times, if required. 

The main advantage is the feature extraction, of course. 

The feature extraction recognises whether a seed has germinated, a seedling has emerged, and it delivers information on the quality. 

The quality information can comprise shoot- and root-dimensions, geometrical measures of the seedlings or colour distributions in the seedlings.

Feature extraction can take advantage of classical image processing, but advanced machine learning is becoming more prominent recently. 

The machine learning processes allow to train the algorithms according to user-specific sample material and to better discriminate normal from abnormal seedlings. 

Thus, the identification of usable seedlings is only possible by using machine learning tools.

Seed testing analyses the physical quality of a seed line. 

A sample of seed is drawn from a seed line and is tested according to International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) procedures. 

Results of the analysis relate to the sample as received unless drawn from a seed lot that meets the conditions for the issuance of a Certified or ISTA Certificate of Analysis.

Types Of Seed Tests

Some commonly conducted seed tests include:

  • Purity analysis
  • Germination analysis
  • Weed seed search
  • Seed identification
  • Weight determination (1000 seed weight)
  • Tetrazolium
  • Sprouting
  • Moisture content
  • Vigour
  • Quarantine inspection

PAS’ wide range of seed testing products

Hyperspec NIRHyperspec VNIRHyperspec SWIRLABSPEC NIR
Seed Quality Testing Promises A Bumper Harvest 1
Seed Quality Testing Promises A Bumper Harvest 2
Field ScanalyzerHyperAIxpertPhenoAIxpertGrowscreen Rhizo
Field Scanalyzer


More here: LemnaTec’s solutions available through PAS

Growscreen Rhizo

While most phenotyping solutions focus on above-ground traits of the plants, roots are usually hidden in soil and thus not accessible to measurements. 

To make them visible, specific cultivation measures are available. 

The Growscreen Rhizo uses soil-filled rhizoboxes placed at 45° angle that have a transparent plate where roots are visible for recording. 

In collaboration with and under licence of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, LemnaTec offers the Growscreen Rhizo as combined root- and shoot-phenotyping system. 

Core component is an image acquisition cabinet with high-resolution cameras focused on the roots and the shoots of the plants. 

Thereby, classical shoot imaging is done simultaneously with precision root imaging. The cabinet is also equipped with dedicated illumination to enable optimal image recording.

For more details, download the Growscreen Rhizo brochure (PDF).

Lemnatec™ Field Scanalyzer

The Field Scanalyzer Gantry System is a 3-axis sensor-to-plant phenotyping system. The design and construction is based on an industrial portal crane system. 

The x-axis is guided along a rail system underpinned by concrete piles driven into the ground so as to allow natural drainage and no impediments as traditional concrete footings may act as flow barriers.

In x-direction, length is only limited by the cabling requirements; one of our customer installations reaches 500 m length. 

The y axis is orthogonal to the rails and bears the lifting unit for the container with the sensing equipment. In the y-direction, customised width, e.g. 10 m, 20 m or 30 m is possible to span over a given growth area. 

The z axis serves to lift up and down the container with the sensor equipment.

Having environmental sensors on board, the Field Scanalyzer records climatic data during all phenotypic measurements so that users find phenotype and environment data linked in the database.

For more details, visit the PAS website.


The Lemnatec™ PhenoAIxpert is the versatile phenotyping system for laboratories – your entry into the phenotyping world.

  • For many sample types in plant research, breeding and beyond
  • Save time and labor in phenotyping
  • Reproducible and standardisable through unified image and information storage, and analyses
  • The laboratory phenotyping system is available in three versions – PhenoAIxpert, PhenoAIxpert Pro, PhenoAIxpert Root
  • Application-oriented analytical workflows

For more details, download the Lemnatec™ PhenoAIxpert brochure (PDF).

LabSpec NIR Spectrometers

Portable, laboratory-grade instrumentation for fast-moving environments, LabSpec performs rapid, non-destructive qualitative and quantitative materials analysis using state-of-the-art NIR technology.

With options in Standard-Res, High-Res and Benchtop analysers, these spectrometers are optimised for rapid analysis, providing instant results with no sample preparation.

  • Evaluate hundreds of samples per day
  • Real-time ID of liquid and solid spectral characteristics
  • Measure multiple properties simultaneously
  • Compatible with ASD sampling accessories

For more details, visit the PAS website.

An Essential Guide To XRF Detection Limits

Taking It To The Limit: An Essential Guide To XRF Detection Limits

The most important characteristic of an analytical procedure is the limit of detection, particularly in the analyses of toxic substances in the environment.

The detection limit of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is better than that of EDS (Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) and the concentration of trace elements can be accurately detected using XRF. 

What Is XRF Spectrometry?

A XRF spectrometer detects and measures X-rays emitted from atoms of a sample that has been irradiated. 

Some atoms in a sample are stimulated to a higher energy level using a beam of x-rays directed into them. 

It is related to the concentration of the element in the sample, but the intensity of the fluorescent radiation depends on several factors. 

Detection limits for most elements are 2-20 ng/cm2 for micro samples, thin samples, aerosols, and liquids. 

XRF analysis has the additional advantage that a sample does not need to be dissolved, so insoluble residues aren’t likely to be present. 

PAS’ XRF instruments can be carried in the field, making them ideal for quick, real-time measurements. Our range includes:

What can XRF detect?

A comprehensive range of elements can be detected and measured through X-ray fluorescence, ranging from uranium (the heaviest), all the way down to magnesium and beryllium.

In principle, the lightest element that can be analysed is beryllium, but due to instrumental limitations and low X-ray yields for the light elements, it is often difficult to quantify elements lighter than sodium).

Because XRF enables the simultaneous detection of elements, it is well suited to rapid qualitative, quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses of materials. It can detect concentrations from 100 per cent down to below parts per million.

XRF is a versatile method of analysis used in various disciplines and sectors. Here are some examples:

  • Multi-elemental analyses of rocks, soils, and sediment samples are carried out with this technique
  • Paint samples can be analysed qualitatively using XRF
  • A wide range of elements in herbal medicines have also been analysed clinically, biologically, and pharmaceutically by using this method
  • Construction industry researchers use XRF to determine the composition of metal alloys and cement
  • Testing and developing a new product, as well as safety and quality control, are key areas where XRF can help

The advantages of XRF

As a common x-ray technique, XRF can measure a wide range of elements, such as the percentage of metals within inorganic materials.

Here are its main advantages:

  • It is generally non-destructive, so you can test sample materials without posing any risk to them
  • XRF allows for simple and fast sample preparation, and it has low running costs. It does not involve applying any gases, liquids or acids in the testing process, which means it is a highly adaptable technique for use on-site at different locations. This is especially valuable for production-line testing
  • XRF spectroscopy instruments require no daily re-calibration

What affects XRF performance?

Matrix effects: XRF performance is affected by matrix effects, such as fine-grained versus coarse-grained materials. Chemical properties of the matrix can also affect XRF performance.
Operator skills: XRF performance is influenced by the proficiency of the operator. The operator should practice consistent and correct preparation and presentation of samples.
Contaminant concentrations: Contaminants may be exceeding the calibration ranges. There may be interference effects from other contaminants.
Measurement time:  A longer measurement/count time will result in better precision.Sample preparation:  A better sample preparation means more accurate XRF results.Interference effects: Spectral lines from two or more elements may overlap, distorting results.

For help with XRF screening, detection and identification, Portable Analytical Solutions has an effective, real-time and reliable solution. Contact us today.

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A Bullion Reasons To Back Australia’s Gold Industry

A Bullion Reasons To Back Australia’s Gold Industry

Gold is big business in Australia.

More than 30,000 Australian jobs depend on the gold industry, in addition to more than 200,000 jobs that are indirectly related to gold.

Australia is home to more than 65 gold mines, making it the world’s second largest gold producer.

And 14 of the world’s biggest gold mines are in Australia – 11 of them in Western Australia.

It also generates millions of dollars in royalties, which governments use to fund infrastructure and community services.

For the first half of 2021, Australia produced four tonnes more gold than China.

Here’s Australia’s gold production forecast until 2023 (in metric tons):

A Bullion Reasons To Back Australia’s Gold Industry 3

Perth Mint listed products and investment research manager Jordan Eliseo told Australian Mining gold has been one of the safest commodities of the past 24 months.

The Perth Mint in Western Australia reported an underlying pre-tax profit of $56 million on turnover of $26.35 billion for the 2020-21 financial year. This is a record in the mint’s 122-year history. 


The Properties of Gold

Chemical symbolAu (from Latin: aurum)
OreUsually found as a native metal
Relative density19.3 g/cm3
Hardness2.5-3 on Mohs scale
Melting point1064°C
Boiling point2970°C

The most common gold compounds are auric chloride (AuCl3) and chlorauric acid (HAuCl4). A mixture of one part nitric acid with three of hydrochloric acid is called aqua regia (because it dissolved gold, the King of Metals). It is unaffected by air and most reagents.

Why Proper Testing Equipment Is Important

A number of minerals are commonly mistaken for gold; they are often referred to as “fools gold”. 

These include pyrite (FeS2) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). 

They can be distinguished from gold by scratching it – the powder (streak) produced will be black. 

If gold is scratched the powder will be a gold colour.

Portable XRF analysers are ideal for jewellers, refiners and pawn shops – and many are used at the Perth Mint in multiple departments – to test the purity and composition of their precious metals. XRF quickly provides the exact percentages of all elements within an item, easily identifying:

  • Karat and concentration of gold
  • Non-standard materials
  • Under-karated materials
  • Sophisticated counterfeit precious metals that acid testing is incapable of differentiating 

Portable XRF analysers are also used for the mining/geology industries, as they can be operated virtually anywhere on site and easily accommodate a wide variety of samples, with little or no sample preparation.

This makes them substantially advantageous in mining operations, because it provides immediate feedback and allows for quick decision making, including:

  • Whether to stop or continue drilling
  • When to make equipment relocation decisions
  • Where to focus on the grid
  • When to select a sample for laboratory analysis
  • The real-time analysis of a handheld XRF also prequalifies samples for off-site lab analysis, which ensures only the best samples are evaluated.

The Right Gold-Testing Tools

Niton™ XL2 Precious Metal AnalyserThermo Fisher Scientific – XRFNiton™ DXL AnalyserThermo Fisher Scientific – Bench Top XRF
A Bullion Reasons To Back Australia’s Gold Industry 4A Bullion Reasons To Back Australia’s Gold Industry 5
Standard analytical range: >25 elements from S to U (varies by application).

Point and shoot simplicity—very easy to use even by nontechnical personnel

Ideally suited for retail environments

Non-destructive analysis with near-instantaneous results

Ergonomic design
Innovative colour touch-screen display and touch-screen keyboard

Improved intuitive interface

CCD Camera

Large sample chamber with a back window for customer view

Optional small spot for the isolation of small components
Learn moreLearn more

The Benefits Of Niton Portable XRF Analysers

These tools offer instantaneous, accurate and non-destructive precious metals analysis.

When quick and informed decisions need to be made to ensure the profitability of a transaction in precious metals trading, or to make sure jewellery is free of toxic substances or coatings, the use of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy can be invaluable.

Thermo Scientific Niton portable XRF desktop and handheld analysers provide pawn shops, cash-for-gold businesses, jewellers, recyclers and refineries with fast, reliable and accurate results for:

  • Determination of karat grade and fineness
  • Analysis of all precious metals including gold
  • Analysis of alloying elements like copper, zinc, nickel, etc.
  • Analysis of toxic elements like cadmium or lead etc.
  • Detection of gold plating presence with patented AuDIT Technology

Unlike traditional test methods, all precious metals and alloys, in various sizes and shapes are tested completely non-destructively.

Contact PAS for expert guidance about the Thermo Fisher Scientific Niton DXL or the Niton XL2, and which will best suit your gold-testing needs.

Don’t Paint Yourself Into A Corner – The Safest Way To Test For Lead

Don’t Paint Yourself Into A Corner – The Safest Way To Test For Lead

There is toxic lead all around us due to historical industrial processes, plus the old lead-based paints used in residential buildings and in industrial applications.

There are three ways to test for lead in paint: X-ray fluorescence, laboratory analysis and chemical test kits.

However, the NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promotes XRF methods and laboratory analysis as best practices for accurate testing for lead in paint. 

It found chemical test kits can’t differentiate between lead-based paint and other paint accurately, and can’t be trusted to measure the extent of lead-based paint on a surface.

How XRF Works In Lead Paint Detection And Analysis

XRF instruments measure the amount of lead on a painted surface by exposing the surface to high-energy radiation (gamma rays in this case). 

The radiation causes lead to emit x-rays at a characteristic frequency. 

The intensity of the rays is measured by the instrument’s detector and converted to a number that represents the amount of lead per unit area (usually in milligrams per square centimetre). 

Operators of XRF machines require special training, which is provided by PAS.

By using the XRF instrument, the amount of lead in paint, both surface and buried can be determined immediately.

There is no damage to the painted surface during the test.

In cases of inconclusive measurements or irregular surfaces, a laboratory analysis of paint chip samples is recommended.  XRF readings tell how much lead is beneath the surface. 

Results are reported in milligrams per square centimetre. If the reading is greater than 1 milligram per square centimetre (1.0 mg/cm2), then the surface is considered a lead surface. Usually more than one XRF reading is taken for a surface. The average of those readings is the result.

The Niton™ XLp-300 Series XRF Analyser

The detection and remediation of environmental contaminants from industrial and mining operations is a global challenge. 

Don’t Paint Yourself Into A Corner - The Safest Way To Test For Lead 6

When versatility, low limits of detection and high sample throughput are critical, industrial businesses rely on the handheld Niton™ XLp-300 Series XRF Analyser.

Perform elemental analysis for residential lead paint testing and measure environmental contaminants in consumer goods, helping public health and environmental professionals pinpoint the lead’s location.

Identify the sources of isotope-based contamination and confirm that clearance criteria have been achieved after abatement.

Utilise the Niton™ XLp-300 Series XRF Analyser to collect and analyse site samples to meet risk screening assessment requirements.

  • Analyse samples in situ, while providing information on heavy metal contaminates.
  • Detect RCRA metals, pollutants and analytes with fast, legally defensible results.
  • Achieve instant results at a fraction of the time and cost of off-site lab testing.

Use of the Niton XLp-300

The Standard Mode icon allows you to select the Lead-in-Paint Standard Mode. Standard Mode is a qualitative analysis designed for a 95% confidence level as to whether the sample is above or below the Action Level. This mode tends to give very fast readings. as it terminates the test as soon as 95% confidence has been achieved.

The K+L Mode icon allows you to select the Lead-in-Paint K+L 28 Proprietary & Confidential Mode. K+L Mode is a quantitative analysis that allows you to determine the statistical confidence of the reading to a 95% Confidence Level while allowing you the flexibility of continuing the test for as long as you wish up to the (user-definable) maximum test time.

Does My Property Have Lead Paint?

The older the paint in your house, the higher the risk it contains lead. 

The majority of homes in Australia built before 1970 contain lead paint (with lead content as high as 50% in most cases).

For homes built in Australia between 1970 and 1997, lead levels in paint were allowed to be up to 1%. This remains a substantial amount. As a point of reference, the acceptable lead content in the USA has been reduced from 0.006% back in 1978 to 0.0009% in 2009.

Since 2010, paints in Australia have been completely banned from adding lead (and is still limited to 0.1% and 0.2% for zinc-based paints).

Attempting to disturb old paint coatings if small amounts of lead are present can result in serious health risks, both to the occupant(s) and to any contractors.

What If There’s Lead Paint On Your Property?

Your hazardous materials survey may be outdated if you were in business and a previous survey found no lead paint on your premises. 

According to new standards, lead-containing paint will now be considered to be paint with a concentration of less than 1% but greater than .1%.

The risk of lead paint is reduced or controlled temporarily if you test for the presence of lead paint inside or outside your property.

Painting over chipping or peeling lead-based paint does not make it safe. You must first safely remove it before repainting.

Enlist a certified lead abatement contractor to eliminate lead paint hazards. For lead hazards to be permanently removed, either the paint must be removed or special materials must be sealed or enclosed. 

Lead-Based Paint Inspection

Lead-based paint is identified during an inspection of any interior or exterior surface. You can use it when you’re doing a renovation, painting, or having paint removed.

An inspector will examine every surface within and outside of the house, including surfaces covered in wallpaper. 

Samples are evaluated with a portable XRF device to determine whether the paint contains lead without damaging it, and it is a fast and accurate method of identifying whether it contains lead or not. 

Should the test results not be conclusive, samples of paint can be removed and sent for laboratory analysis.

People Renovating Their Houses Are In The Most Danger

Home renovators may not be aware that they are creating lead hazards. It is possible for old paint chips and lead dust to remain in the garden for years after the work is completed if it is not properly handled. 

By using blasting, burning, dry scraping, dry sanding, and power tools to remove paint, the particles become too small to be properly removed. They also get deposited on furnishings or carpets, making complete removal almost impossible.

The Dangers Of Lead Paint

What’s the problem with lead-based paint?

Lead is a heavy metal poison that accumulates in the body.

Paint dust, paint flake or paint waste contains hazardous levels of lead, which when swallowed or inhaled can be very harmful to humans.

Children, pregnant women or nursing mothers should be kept well away from surfaces or areas where lead paint is being disturbed and any contact with lead paint dust and debris should be avoided. 

Aging flaking paint, airborne dust particles from sanding, or smoke produced from burning it off are the foremost causes of lead poisoning in homes. 

Elevated lead levels in the blood and accumulation of the toxin in the body left untreated can result in brain damage or death.

If exposure to lead has occurred or is suspected, then see a doctor for a blood test to determine what action is needed.

What Regulations Apply To Lead Paint?

Councils are given the authority to prevent pollution caused by lead hazards under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. The Government can issue a prevention notice to anyone acting in an environmentally hazardous manner.

There is a fine for failing to comply with the following clauses in the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017:

  • “A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must assess each lead process carried out by the business or undertaking at the workplace to determine if lead risk work is carried out in the process.”
  • “A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that contamination by lead is confined to a lead process area at the workplace.”
  • “A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that any measures implemented to control health risks from exposure to lead at the workplace are reviewed and as necessary revised.”

What Is Being Done By The Government?

The Department of the Environment has produced the booklet Lead Alert – The Six Step Guide to Painting Your Home (PDF).

Governments aim to control the amount of lead going into the environment by:

  • Limiting the amount of lead in domestic paints – since December 1997 the limit has been 0.1 per cent;
  • Placing controls on the disposal of lead-contaminated waste; and
  • Informing home renovators and professionals about the dangers of paint containing lead, and providing advice on the safest way to deal with it.

PAS provides leading lead paint analysis solutions and support. For more information specifically on the Thermo Fisher Scientific Niton™ XLp-300 Series XRF analyser, or our full range of products and how they can help your business, please give us a call today.

Precision Agriculture: Giving Farmers More Control Over The Field

Precision Agriculture Gives Farmers More Control Over The Field

Instant data collection and dissemination means farmers can predict with accuracy the health and yield of their soils and crops. This is where precision agriculture comes in.

What Is Precision Agriculture?

Advances in technology have enabled agricultural businesses of all sizes to implement precision agriculture. It’s history began through early GPS-satellite adoption, which allowed farmers to gather data and steer agriculture equipment automatically.

This technology has further advanced over time, allowing farmers to gather even more precise data — sensors, aerial devices, stationary IoT solutions for precision agriculture, etc. Now farmers can accurately:

  • Harvest historical data, predictive modeling, and environmental insights to select crops with higher yields
  • Capture real-time data on site performance
  • Achieve sustainable economic and environmental practices on the farm
  • Provide the right amount of water, nutrition, and pest control based on digital farming data
  • Predict and react to changes in the weather

This is ideal across these disciplines:

With proper analysis, producers are able to accurately measure crop growth, monitor on-farm trials and identify uneven spreading or inconsistent sprays. On the basis of reliable results, farm management and planning decisions are much easier.As the grain production industry increasingly uses precision ag monitoring solutions, farmers can use NIR and hyperspectral solutions to answer key questions about crop rotation patterns, yield management, storage and irrigation.Sustainable farming starts with the soil as the base, using analysis to develop a long-term program. Reliable, reproducible analysis of soil texture, soil moisture, salt levels and paddock rotation is achievable through hyperspectral analysis.Satellite and airborne platforms provide images depicting vineyard conditions, maximising grape yield and quality while managing location-specific risks and variations. Achieves the best results and optimises harvests in this lucrative industry.

Advantages Of Precision Farming In Agriculture 

Technology is seen as a way by agriculture business owners to improve the quality of decision-making, the ROI, as well as the overall security of their facilities.

More Monitoring Data

Growers can continuously monitor a wide range of metrics thanks to digital tools. They will keep track of rainfall levels, the sources and types of nutrients their crops need, soil samples, fertiliser inputs, etc.

Improved Efficiency

In the long run, farmers gain valuable real-time access to valuable real-time data when they adopt precision agriculture sensors to monitor soil moisture, crop health, and nutrition levels. By recognising patterns and forecasting changes, potential risks, and yields, a site manager can maximise efficiency and profitability, during both harvest and planting season.

Increased Crop Protection

Overuse of chemicals is one of the reasons for high crop and soil pressures. In an effort to prevent crop damage from insects, farmers often overuse nitrogen. The use of chemicals reduces the sustainability of the site – and it’s costly. Precision ag helps farmers optimise pest control and use chemicals only when needed and protect crops more efficiently.

Irrigation management

With precision ag, a farming team can accurately tell when to irrigate a field using centralised command-and-control tools.

Incorporating Spectroscopy Into Precision Agriculture

The use of spectroscopy allows for precise crop/food analysis and quality control. 

And using spectroscopies in small portable devices, such as portable drones and handheld devices, has only further increased the application of these techniques. 

Crop and food analysis by conventional methods is time-consuming, complex, destructive, and requires infrastructure and resources. Simple or no sample preparation is often required for spectroscopy measurements, and it’s easy for farmers to use and interpret the data.

How Spectroscopy Works

Spectroscopy is widely used as an analytical tool in many different fields due to its precise and non-destructive nature.

In spectroscopy, the wavelength of light and other materials are used to measure the absorption, transmission, and emission of electromagnetic radiation. Spectroscopy also includes the calculation of collision energies between electrons, protons, and ions within a compound and those of other compounds.

Foods and crops are analysed and quality controlled using spectroscopy in agriculture. Chemical composition, microbial infections, toxins, pests, pathogens, and adulteration are some of the uses. Defects also can be monitored both internally and externally.

Optical Spectroscopy in Agriculture

Agricultural use of optical/light spectroscopy is common. 

Each element or compound has its own spectral signature based on its composition and will respond to different wavelengths. For this reason, spectroscopy is used in biological sciences to determine the composition of materials as well as to conduct quantitative analyses.

Spectra of light are made of varying wavelengths, frequencies, and energies.

Agriculture draws heavily on spectroscopy’s use of the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet-visible spectral ranges.

Ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS)

The ultraviolet-visible spectrum used for spectroscopy lies within the UV (100 nm to 380 nm) and visible (380 nm to 750 nm) range of wavelengths.

UV-VIS spectroscopy is primarily used to control the quality of edible oils. Two aspects of oil that can be tested are: fat oxidation and the overall colour.

  • Fat oxidation: 

A measure of fat oxidation is the anisidine value (AV). When exposed to light, oxygen, and high temperatures, fat is oxidised. The amount of aldehyde produced is measured by AV. An oil’s AV should not be greater than 8 to prevent oxidation, which reduces its quality.

  • Oil colour: 

In cold-pressed oils, plant pigments such as chlorophyll or carotenoids can colour the oil. Due to the removal of pigments during refining, refined oils have very little pigment. Food producers strive to increase the amount of carotenoids in food oils, since they are healthy antioxidants. On the other hand, chlorophyll promotes oxidation and gives oil a bitter note, so keeping chlorophyll concentrations low is necessary to keep consumers happy.

Fluorescence Spectroscopy

It is a phenomenon in which a fluorescent molecule or fluorophore emits light after absorbing UV light and visible light.

Quantitative analyses are frequently carried out using fluorescence spectroscopy, which is sensitive and specific enough to detect low levels of compounds. This makes fluorescence spectroscopy ideal for handling contaminants and for structural analysis. Several techniques can be used with fluorescence, including liquid chromatography and fluorometry.

  • Control of toxins

Salmonella, mycotoxins, and other pathogenic microbes or fungi can produce toxins as contaminants in food. A toxin may also be present in food when it is an antibiotic (penicillin) or an additive (aspartame). 

  • Structural analysis

Proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in oils can be detected by fluorescence. Oils can be checked for adulteration with cheaper substitutes with this property. In oil that has been repeatedly fried, fluorescence can determine vitamin E, anisidine, and iodine levels.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Near-infrared is the most widely-used technique in spectroscopic applications for agriculture and is applied for quantitative analysis.

A Spectrometer For Every Occasion
The ASD FieldSpec 4 leaves the factory floor calibrated as a spectroradiometer, ready for precise radiance and irradiance measurements, but is equally suited for use as a spectrometer for accurate contact or stand-off reflectance analysis with a wide range of standard accessories.
All ASD FieldSpec spectrometers and spectroradiometers provide 3 nm spectral resolution in the VNIR (350 nm – 1000 nm) range. Four spectral resolution options are available for the SWIR (1001 nm – 2500 nm) range.

  • The enhanced 6 nm SWIR spectral resolution of the ASD FieldSpec 4 Hi-Res NG spectroradiometer provides both the sampling interval (bandwidth) and the spectral resolution to support accurate calibration and image classification analysis with the next generation high spectral resolution hyperspectral sensors.
  • With 8 nm SWIR spectral resolution the ASD FieldSpec 4 Hi-Res spectroradiometer is the instrument of choice for geological studies and atmospheric research.
  • The ASD FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res spectroradiometer, with 10 nm SWIR resolution is perfectly suited for characterizing spectral features with a resolution of 10 nm to 50 nm, which covers the technical requirements of most field researchers. The ASD FieldSpec 4 Standard-Res spectroradiometer has long been the industry’s go-to workhorse instrument for trusted field spectroscopy and the scope of potential applications is broad.
  • Because of its wide optical slit the ASD FieldSpec 4 Wide–Res spectroradiometer provides the highest signal throughput and offers the best signal to noise performance of any ASD FieldSpec model. These high throughput characteristics also benefit field measurements taken in less than optimal illumination conditions.
  • The 30 nm SWIR resolution of the ASD FieldSpec 4 Wide-Res spectroradiometer makes it an ideal fit for applications such as vegetation analysis and vegetation indices that are characterized by broad spectral features. This instrument is also available at a significantly lower price point than other ASD FieldSpec models, which makes it an attractive option when budgets are tight.

The Gold Standard In Field Spectroradiometers
ASD FieldSpec® line of full-range spectroradiometers deliver the fastest and most accurate spectral field measurements available with excellent performance, signal and integration speeds.
The FieldSpec range has been designed around the specific needs of researchers when collecting spectral measurements in the field. Long-range wireless increases collection coverage potential from a stationary base. Superior signal throughput, signal-to-noise, and radiometric performance regardless of atmospheric conditions.
All ASD FieldSpec spectrometers and spectroradiometers provide 3 nm spectral resolution in the VNIR (350 nm – 1000 nm) range. Four spectral resolution options are available for the SWIR (1001 nm – 2500 nm) range – Hi-Res NG, Hi-Res, Std-Res, Wide-Res. Full range (350 – 2500 nm)

  • Comprehensive options for UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR field requirements
  • Faster integration speed facilitates more measurements in a limited solar collection time window
  • Permanent fibre-optic cable design reduces the risk of signal loss
  • Pro-pack backpack easily allows field portability with the FieldSpec 4 product line
Precision Agriculture: Giving Farmers More Control Over The Field 7

LabSpec NIR SpectrometersAnalytical Spectral Devices (ASD) – NIR
Portable, laboratory-grade instrumentation for fast-moving environments, LabSpec performs rapid, non-destructive qualitative and quantitative materials analysis using state-of-the-art NIR technology.
With options in Standard-Res, High-Res and Benchtop analysers, these spectrometers are optimised for rapid analysis, providing instant results with no sample preparation.

  • Evaluate hundreds of samples per day
  • Real-time identification of liquid and solid spectral characteristics
  • Measure multiple properties simultaneously
  • Compatible with ASD sampling accessories.

Speak to PAS for expert advice on the precision agriculture solution best suited to your application.

There are many categories of NIR spectroscopy use in agriculture:

  • Pest, Disease, and Toxin Detection

NIR is used to detect fungal contamination and estimate levels of mycotoxins.

  • Drought management

Due to its unique spectrum, water levels are monitored to determine if crops are suffering from water stress and adjust irrigation accordingly.

  • Maturity

Dry matter content is used to determine when they are mature enough for harvest. Green mature fruits should be estimated based on dry matter to avoid harvesting them too early and preventing proper ripening. By harvesting them later, transportation and storage time would be reduced.

  • Fertiliser application

Leaf spectrometry can be used to track plant growth. Scientists and farmers can monitor crop progress and respond by applying the correct nutrients to the crops.

  • Processing

Process centres must determine parameters such as dry matter, BRIX, and water content. It is also possible to use NIR to detect them, choose the best fresh produce, and monitor the production process.

  • Post-harvest quality control

The storage, transportation, and retail sale of climacteric fruits can take months after harvest. In order to eliminate spoiled produce and prevent the rest of the product from being affected by ethylene, various quality parameters, such as ripeness, internal damage, and external appearance, can be monitored.

PAS’s Full Range Of Precision Agriculture Solutions

  • Highest-quality range of imaging products
  • Featuring custom-designed data collection software
  • Lab-based, ground or airborne solutions

For solutions in hyperspectral imaging for precision ag, speak to PAS about its hardware and software offerings from ASD Inc. and Headwall Photonics. Contact us today.

Michelangelo, Or Michelangel-NO? The Best Way To Identify Fake Art And Artifacts

Michelangelo, Or Michelangel-NO? The Best Way To Identify Fake Art And Artifacts

Art has now grown into a billion-dollar market, with collectors investing in established and emerging artists for huge profits. 

There are risks involved with investing in art, even if it doesn’t seem as volatile as investing in stocks: Artwork authentication is becoming increasingly complicated, and there is an alarming number of false paintings floating around. 

Remember: About 40% of works sold each year are forgeries, according to estimates.

A number of sophisticated techniques are used today to examine and verify art and historical artifacts.

Utilisation of X-ray fluorescence or infrared spectroscopy is beneficial for dating archaeological artifacts, analysing pigment and identifying them, and improving the viability of future research.

PAS provides reproducible results in the fields of art history, archaeology, anthropology and for commercial authentication of assets.

Spectroscopy And the Science of Art Authentication

Attempting to identify an artist’s work today involves scientists working behind the scenes at a museum or gallery. 

Recent advances in analytical techniques enable the composition of the pigments and binders of the body of a painting to be determined in great detail. 

These methods of in-situ analysis of paints, pigments, and resins offer straightforward, non-destructive analysis using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), infrared spectroscopy (IR), and Raman spectroscopy.

Inspecting a questioned artwork under a microscope can reveal information about the materials used and the chemical makeup of the pigments, which either substantiates the item’s authenticity or reveals materials contrary to its authenticity.

Studying Colour And Identifying Art Fakes with Spectroscopy

When the pigments in a painting match those in an earlier certified artwork, it is easy to determine whether the painting is authentic. 

Since the paints used for the older pieces are different from those used for the replicas, a recent copy of an ancient work will read differently. 

It is also possible to discover whether a painting is the work of the same artist by comparing and contrasting the spectral curves of pigment in different pictures.

Case Studies In Art Spectroscopy 

Materials containing light elements are not able to absorb X-rays that are projected at them, but materials containing heavier elements do.

X-rays can determine whether a canvas contains the same number of threads in horizontal and vertical directions. This is how many famous paintings by artists such as Vincent van Gogh have been authenticated and some have proven to be fakes.

A Long Island storage container belonged to Alex Matter’s parents – both artists and friends of artist Jackson Pollock. In that container, he found 32 paintings that were attributed to the famous painter. 

Although attributed to Pollock, these paintings weren’t signed. Therefore, it wasn’t clear if the paintings were real.

A variety of layers of the paintings were stripped of paint chips, including the bottom layers, to determine if they had been restored or otherwise altered.

Their analysis of the paint chips involved Fourier-Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy or FTIR. A compound’s properties can be determined using spectroscopy by studying its interaction with a known wavelength of radiation. The radiation used in this technique is infrared light. 

They compared the infrared spectra of chemical compounds present in the paint chips to reference spectra of known materials on the Matter paintings. 

Paint chips from the Matter paintings matched the Ferrari Red colour found in Red 254. Pollock died in the early 1980s, long after Ferrari Red was patented.

For Martin, discovering that Ferrari Red was an epiphany: Those pieces of art could not have been created by Jackson Pollock.

Full Range Of Products

PAS determines the best tool for your artwork or historical artifact analysis using the most appropriate technology, with sales guidance, detailed product information and training.

  • A choice of technologies from one expert supplier
  • Fully compliant technology for accurate reproducible results
  • Non-destructive testing options
  • Handheld analysers for ease of access

Agilent Technologies: 4300 Handheld FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra-Red)

Michelangelo, Or Michelangel-NO? The Best Way To Identify Fake Art And Artifacts 8

The first of its kind, the Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR analyser combines lightweight ergonomics, ease of use, ruggedness and flexibility in one system.

Ideal for field use and situations away from a laboratory, the unit comes with easy-to-use custom software to enable users at all experience levels to measure without damaging or removing the sample.

  • Weighs in at approximately 2kg
  • Non-destructive measurement
  • Immediate, at-site results
  • An ultra-short internal optical path yields better results
  • Interchangeable interfaces handle all types of materials

A Spectrometer For Every Occasion

As with visible photography, infrared photography detects reflected light, which allows short wave cameras to be valuable tools for IR reflectography. 

Although they are not visible, these can find details beneath the painting’s surface that can’t be seen by the naked eye. 

Infrared light penetrates the painting’s upper layers since pigments are transparent at wavelengths greater than 1100 nm. By reflecting from the base, the IR light is then absorbed by the underdrawing.

Art historians and conservators can better understand the intention of the artist by getting a visual sense of what lies beneath the first layer of pigment. Additionally, it can be used to identify details pertaining to the work’s historical context or to verify the artwork’s authenticity.

Thermo Fisher Scientific: Niton™XL5

Michelangelo, Or Michelangel-NO? The Best Way To Identify Fake Art And Artifacts 9

The optional integrated camera allows users to locate, view, and store the analysis image and the test results for later reference.

The handheld Niton XL5 for light element (Mg-S) analysis offers the lowest limits of detection and fastest measurement times.

  • Integrated GPS on some models
  • Rapid accurate decisions on-site
  • Low limits of detection
  • Optimisation for light elements in some models

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy is an x-ray based method for identifying the chemical elements of paint and non-organic materials.

The Niton XL5 is an advanced Portable XRF analyser (PXRF) with sophisticated models designed for specific industry applications. A tilting, colour, touch-screen display allows easy viewing of sample results under any condition.

PAS provides leading art verification and analysis solutions and support. For more information specifically on our full range and how they can help your business, please give us a call today.

Science Goes Bush: An Overview Of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

Science Goes Bush: An Overview Of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have rapidly become a viable alternative to satellites and manned aircraft for conducting hyperspectral remote sensing.

Likewise, hyperspectral (HS) sensing instruments have evolved along with UAVs; both are getting smaller, lighter, and easier to use. 

How Hyperspectral Imaging Works

HS sensors are attached to UAVs in order to capture slices of incoming scenes (by way of a physical slit) and they present each slice as discrete wavelength components on a focal plane array (FPA). 

Dispersing the image slices into discrete wavelengths is achieved with a diffraction grating. 

In addition to HS sensors, ancillary instruments such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and GPS can also be used to ensure complete and accurate imagery collection. 

A planimetrically correct image is obtained by removing the effects of perspective (tilt) and relief (terrain) with the use of these instruments.

These portable commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) aerial drone solutions can map terrain features of potential conflict areas and classify major material classes very easily.


The visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is what the human eye is capable of seeing and identifying. This ranges from about 380 nanometers to around 700 nanometers.

Ultraviolet sits below this spectrum, while infrared lies above this “visible” portion of the spectrum. Bees can see UV, while snakes see infrared. This is where HS sensors can help us.

They collect, in the case of hyperspectral, a full spectrum of image data for every pixel within the field of view. 

Why Is Hyperspectral Imaging Important?

In precision agriculture, there are a variety of vegetative indices (VIs) that are dependent on seeing into infrared ranges, where fluorescence spectral signatures of chlorophyll are detectable. 

It is possible to see and quantify chlorophyll fluorescence to reveal information about crop stress and vigor that cannot be seen by the naked eye. 

A wide variety of vegetative indices use hyperspectral data to answer the question: Do my crops have diseases I cannot see? Do my soils have sufficient nutrients? Am I at risk for invasive species?

The Right Hyperspectral Tool For The Job

Headwall’s Nano-Hyperspec® is a completely integrated hyperspectral sensor designed for the VNIR (400-1000nm) spectral range.

A completely integrated lightweight (<0.52kg) VNIR hyperspectral sensor for small UAV applications that includes on-board data-processing/storage and GPS/IMU. Today’s UAVs are exceptionally small and light and they demand payloads to match.

A key advantage of Nano-Hyperspec is that it also includes 480GB of on-board data collection/storage, plus attached GPS/IMU functionality. This allows the payload bay of the UAV to be optimised for other needs such as video or thermal imaging. Weight and space is saved, making for a more efficient airborne solution.

Nano-Hyperspec is perfect for today’s new breed of hand-launched UAVs and drones, representing a mix of fixed-wing and multi-rotor models to meet practically any deployment scenario.

Nano-Hyperspec Specifications

  • VNIR spectral range (400-1000nm)
  • 270 spectral bands, 640 spatial bands
  • Maximum frame rate: 350Hz
  • 480 GB internal storage
  • Direct-attached GPS / IMU capabilities
  • Light, small, robust

People assume they just need to buy a sensor and a UAV and put them together. 

However, battery life matters, balance issues occur, and the relationship between ground speed and frame rate can make things difficult. 

PAS can recommend the right kind of UAV, take its size/weight/power into consideration, integrate spectral sensors with other instruments such as LiDAR, and provide complete solutions. Contact us for more information today.

Out In The Field: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

Hyperspectral remote sensing has many applications for the agriculture industry.

From crop disease detection to infrastructure inspection; environmental monitoring to pollution analysis; high spectral resolution for field remote sensing analysis helps with:

Water Quality

Using a combination of field and satellite remote sensing methods, oceanographers, limnologists and other environmental and marine researchers can perform thorough assessments of vast waterways, glaciers and wetlands.

Headwall’s Nano-Hyperspec® is about the size and weight of a Rubik’s Cube, so it represents the smallest true hyperspectral airborne sensor on the market. It holds a solid-state drive that eliminates the need to have a supplemental data computer that would consume weight and space. The GPS-IMU manages all the positioning functions as well as any roll-pitch-yaw anomalies that otherwise would impact data quality. Headwall offers a range of GPS-IMU instruments, with the most precise of them shown here.


Headwall does considerable work to assure the quality of hyperspectral data coming from its sensors. This can include stabilising gimbals (the Ronin gimbal shown here) as well as powerful orthorectification done during post-processing. Headwall manages this with its own powerful suite of applications software.

The thermal camera is small and light, which means the whole instrument payload can be easily managed by the DJI Matrice 600 Pro, which is one of the most popular enterprise-level UAVs on the market today.

Agricultural Remote Sensing

For responsible analysis and management of some of the Earth’s most precious resources, PAS has the instrument to suit your needs

Forestry / Plant Remote Sensing

Forests and ecological resources are important assets that need to be properly managed. Accurate analysis of forest health, population, growth areas and damage is possible through sophisticated remote-sensing technologies available from PAS.

The Importance Of Good Software

The development of hyperspectral software to help with management along the way and during post-processing is just as important as reducing the size and weight of the hyperspectral sensor. 

Science Goes Bush: An Overview Of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing 10

Nano-Hyperspec can be controlled using Headwall’s airborne Hyperspec III software while in the air. 

During post-processing, the software also can draw in GPS data to enable orthorectification. It has a polygon tool to determine the “start-stop” coordinates for the sensors. 

By using LiDAR instruments to estimate the height of objects and artifacts beneath the UAV flight path, the hyperspectral data can be represented accurately.

In order to manage UAV flights, sensor operations, and so on, a software platform with a simple interface but the ability to manage gigabytes worth of hyperspectral data is helpful. 

The basic Headwall hyperspectral software performs these important tasks, but Headwall has enhanced the software to handle GPS data and orthorectification during post-processing.

Nano-Hyperspec is available in two options:

  • OEM-programmable sensor configuration
  • High-performance sensor configuration for end-users

PAS can guide you to the solution you require, providing sales and product support, training and upgrades as you implement leading Headwall hyperspectral technology. Speak to PAS for expert guidance on hyperspectral imaging options from Headwall Photonics.

Alloy there! Why Accurate Metal Sorting Is Critical For Scrap Metal Recyclers

Alloy there! Why Accurate Metal Sorting Is Critical For Scrap Metal Recyclers

The scrap metal industry in Australia has a market value of $2.4 billion. And alloys are the big prize.

With a recycling rate of 90% in 2018-19 according to the 2020 National Waste Report, it outperforms any other material category.

Scrap and steel industries invested millions of dollars nationwide into building infrastructure so that scrap metal can be collected, sorted, shredded, and processed throughout Australia.

A snapshot Of The Scrap Metal Industry In Australia

Metal scrap generated 5.6 million tonnes, or 223 kg per capita, in 2018-19.

Australian scrap metal is melted as feedstock for the country’s $29 billion steel industry, which produces 5.5 million tonnes of steel a year and employs 110,000 Australians (2017-18) and generates $29 billion in revenue annually.

A total of 24.2% of BlueScope’s Port Kembla Steelworks’ products are made from recycled or recovered steel.

Rose Read, CEO of the National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC), says using ferrous scrap as a substitute for virgin ore has huge carbon emission reduction benefits.

“On average almost two tonnes of carbon dioxide are emitted for every tonne of steel produced from virgin ore, accounting for approximately 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. By comparison, a tonne of steel produced from scrap produces just 25% of the emissions of scrap made from virgin ore,” Read told the ABC.

Exporters are enjoying record prices on the global scrap metal market as a result of the boom. Shredded scrap metal prices last year traded below the 10-year average of $330 ($425) per tonne. It dropped as low as $US270 ($348) in 2017. Today a tonne of scrap metal can fetch a staggering $US430 ($554) per tonne.

Steel scrap exports from Australia and New Zealand have risen sharply. In 2019, Oceania countries exported 250,016 tonnes of scrap to India, up 24.5% over the previous year.

Metal wastes constitute the bulk of Australia’s waste exports, including cast iron wastes, ferrous metals, gold, copper, and aluminum scrap (82% of the total value). 

Scrap metals were the sole or main export to Bangladesh (100%), Taiwan (99%) and China (85%). Pakistan also received mostly metals (80%) and some textiles (12%). Exports to Thailand and Indonesia were split between metals and paper and cardboard (75% to 25% for Thailand and 23% to 74% for Indonesia). Vietnam received metals (59%) and agricultural organics (35%). Exports to India were a mix of scrap metals (55%), paper and cardboard (32%) and tyres (11%). Malaysia received a mix of paper and cardboard (36%), metals (28%) and plastics (20%). The Republic of Korea received metals (51%), agricultural organics (28%) and hazardous waste (14%).

Meanwhile, scrap metal is the 17th largest export earner for New Zealand. Around 500,000 tonnes of ferrous and 50,000 tonnes of non-ferrous scrap metal are generated each year. Of that 45% of ferrous scrap metal and 90% of non-ferrous metal is exported.

Metals that are not recycled can end up being dumped, left on-site as an environmental pollutant, or they can end up in a landfill. These are all unwise, considering the industry’s efforts to do as much as it can for the environment, and how landfill capacity is decreasing.

It takes longer for scrap metal to decompose in landfills than other waste. Scrap metal left in landfills degrades, poisoning the soil and causing pollution, among other issues.

Recovered scrap metal is a major activity for industry firms. Metal recovery refers to the process of fabricating new, usable products or materials from scrap. Metals frequently recycled are steel, copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, nickel, and titanium.

Take the guesswork out of your scrap metal operation

Scrap can be contaminated or contain hazardous elements if its chemical composition is unclear, indicating a risk for quality, safety, and regulatory compliance.

Handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysers provide accurate, reliable analysis of scrap metal materials during scrap metal operations.

Niton XRF analysers can verify elements of interest in virtually all types of metal alloys, from trace levels to commercially pure metals, and are capable of distinguishing alloy grades that are nearly identical in composition to one another.

  • Positively identify alloys at material transfer points and guarantee product quality
  • Determine metal composition for accurate sorting
  • Identify tramp/trace elements
  • Get nondestructive analysis in seconds, with little or no need for sample preparation
  • Increase the speed of metal processing operations
“Sorting is very important because we need to guarantee that the material we are shipping to consumers is what we say it is …. If it isn’t, the mill or foundry we’re shipping to could reject the load or downgrade it, and that would hurt our reputation — and our bottom line.” – Recycling Magazine, owner of a Massachusetts-based salvage yard.

The Importance Of Alloy Metal Verification For Industry

The verification of metal alloys for quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) has never been more important for product reliability and safety – particularly in the automotive, aerospace and steel manufacturing industries. 

From metal production through final product assembly, the potential for material mix-ups is real. And material mix-ups can lead to product failures. 

With all types of metal manufacturing and fabrication operations facing increasingly stringent safety regulations, today’s best practices include testing 100% of critical materials.

XRF analysers are important tools for performing material identification and alloy confirmation.

Alloy there! Why Accurate Metal Sorting Is Critical For Scrap Metal Recyclers 11

The Niton XL2 Plus

Features & Benefits

  • 2W X-Ray Tube
  • Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for light element detection
  • Detector ProGuard Protection
  • Micro Camera
  • Hot Swap Battery
  • Touch Screen and Directional Keys
  • Password Protected Security
  • IP54 Certified (Splash/ Dust Proof)
  • Nose Cone Alignment Guides

Specific Scrap Alloy Metal Applications

  • Verification of metals and alloys in manufacturing
  • Quality Assurance testing for positive material identification
  • Point-and-shoot sorting at scrap recycling operations
  • Coating thickness measurements from single element layers

How The Niton XL2 Plus Works

How is ferrous scrap metal processed?

Almost all metal-based goods can be recycled, such as old cars, white goods and consumer goods. Shredders are typically used to process light gauge materials, then sent to separation plants (this is where the Niton XL2 Plus comes in) to detect for ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals. Heavier grades of material are reduced with large industrial shears and by manual oxy cutting. After being melted in electric arc or blast furnaces, the ferrous scrap metal is cooled, shaped and made into products.

Automotive shredder residue (ASR) or floc, which is frequently disposed of as waste during the shredding process, is a common source of waste. Some facilities can convert ASR into its core elements of hydrogen for use in transportation fuel and carbon dioxide. This material would save approximately one million tonnes from landfills.

The advantages of scrap metal recycling

Energy Savings

Recycling scrap metal at sites also has an impressive energy efficiency benefit. Steel can be recycled at 75% lower energy costs than using raw materials to produce the metal, and aluminum can be recycled at 95% lower energy costs. Thus, less electricity is wasted, less carbon dioxide is produced, and overall the carbon footprint is reduced. 

Financial Gains 

Recycling metal waste is not only environmentally friendly, but also financially profitable as well. Copper is one of the most desired and valuable metals. Furthermore, brass attracts a high return because of its weight and durability. Steel is still worth recycling, even though it has a lower monetary value. And aluminum still remains one of the most recyclable materials on Earth – over 80% of it can be recycled.

  • Metal is 100% recyclable; it is permanent and can be recycled over and over again
  • Recycling 1 tonne of steel can save 1.5 tonnes of iron ore from being mined and saves natural habitats and forests
  • Recycling metal avoids sending a permanent material to landfill

Speak to PAS today for expert guidance on how the Thermo Fisher Niton XL2 Plus best suits your industry application and particular conditions.

Related Links

The Sorting Process Made Easy

Australian Council Of Recycling

National Waste Recycling Industry Association (NWRIC)

Australian Metal Recycling Industry Association Victoria

Waste Contractors & Recyclers Association of NSW (WCRA)

NSW Police Force: Scrap Metal Industry 

Scrap Metal Industry Public Register

NSW Legislation: Scrap Metal Industry Act

ABLIS: Registration of a Scrap Metal Dealer – New South Wales

EPA: Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy

NSW Fair Trading: Scrap metal exemption certificate

NSW Parliament: Scrap Metal Industry Bill 2016

For Food Quality And Safety, This Hyperspectral Tool Is A Cut Above

For Food Quality And Safety, This Hyperspectral Tool Is A Cut Above

Automated, accurate, and flexible hyperspectral machine vision has revolutionised food manufacturing and inspection processes, such as in the meat and fruit industries.

MV.X – Headwall’s award-winning hyperspectral technology – solves and highlights food quality and safety issues using its powerful, embedded computing power and a high-performance VNIR spectrometer to provide real-time, actionable results. 

Introducing The Hyperspec® MV.X

Hyperspectral imaging is no longer limited to the lab, as Headwall’s MV.X combines high-speed processing power with industry-leading hyperspectral imagery for live classification. 

Clients, such as food-processing plants, use this to detect potentially harmful foreign materials for removal. 

You can even use the MV.X offline to create AI detection and grading algorithms which can then be uploaded and stored on units installed on the line and which act on incoming hyperspectral data in real time. 

Designed for use in harsh industrial environments and capable of functioning both inside and outside, the MV.X offers simplicity of installation and direct output of actionable results. 


How To Apply The Hyperspec® MV.X

Foreign object detection Safety and Pathogen detection Sorting and grading Process analytics Contamination detection


Fruits and vegetables such as apples and tomatoes aren’t all the same. They differ in shape, ripeness, optical qualities, weight, and bruising. 

It is more efficient to market the harvest when these qualities can be precisely measured. 

It is also important that produce is sorted accurately to prevent inaccurate pricing.

Detect And Measure With The Hyperspec® MV.X

Using hyperspectral imaging to detect foreign matter and pathogens that are invisible to the naked eye can improve the safety of food. 

This form of imaging provides far better material classification than RGB colour cameras on poultry, seafood, lamb, beef, and specialty crops.

A high level of biogenic amines indicates the decomposition of seafood. 

A rise in histamine levels is typically associated with such decomposition. This is also called “scombroid fish poisoning”.

By measuring the concentration of histamines in fish, hyperspectral imaging provides a method for determining the freshness of fish in an instant, contact-free manner.


Sort And Detect With The Hyperspec® MV.X 


To meet government regulations, the global food inspection industry needs newer and more precise tools for everything from specialty crops to seafood and poultry.

In order to overcome the uncertainties resulting from human inspections or limited capacity RGB cameras, more advanced high-resolution imaging systems are being adopted that are also reliable, affordable, and easy to deploy.

Using techniques such as hyperspectral imaging, food producers can sort and detect contamination at the right time, improving product quality and consistency and avoiding costly recalls.

A key differentiator for hyperspectral imaging sensors is their ability to classify food based on a number of geometrical and spectral parameters. 

Rather than simply interpreting “pass” or “fail” measurements, nuts and specialty crops can be inspected in ways that maximise quality and productivity.

Benefits Of The Hyperspec® MV.X

• Visualise value at the speed of light

• Classify and detect using the spectral dimension

• Hyperspectral classification is intuitive, reliable, and fast


Key Features Of The Hyperspec® MV.X

Specifically designed for advanced machine vision and process analytics applications, the dust-proof and watertight MX.V system is compact, dust-proof, and watertight. 

The perClass® MIRA software features machine learning and artificial intelligence to process data runtime and simplify model development. 

The MV.X web user interface also allows for remote system control and maintenance.

Suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations, this rugged solution can be installed in any production environment. It includes:

  • Hyperspectral Imaging System – not just a camera
  • Built for challenging VNIR (400-1000nm) machine-vision apps on the processing line
  • Fast onboard, embedded processing for real-time classification
  • GenICam-compliant GigE interface with an IP67-rated housing
  • Flexible yet robust and straightforward workflow

Technical Specifications

The Hyperspec® MV.X has:

  • A spectral range of 400-1000nm
  • 270 spectral bands
  • 640 spatial pixels
  • Max frame rate: as high as 485Hz
  • FWHM slit image: 6nm

What is Spectral Imaging?

In spectral imaging, every location in an image plane is sampled for spectral information.

There are several techniques available, based on a variety of factors, including spectral resolution, number of bands, the width, and the presence of adjacent bands.

The process of hyperspectral imaging, like other types of spectral imaging, involves collecting and analysing information that spans the electromagnetic spectrum.

Using hyperspectral imaging, you gain information about each pixel in an image of a scene, in order to locate objects, identify materials, or detect processes.

PAS provides leading Spectral Imaging solutions and support. For more information on Headwall’s Hyperspec® MV.X and how it can help your business, give us a call today.

Related links:

Product data sheet (PDF)

Oregano & Parsley: Quality Inspection of Herbs & Spices (PDF)

The Future Of Food (PDF)

Food Authority (NSW)

Food Standards Australia & New Zealand

Food Quality & Safety

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Department of Health: Food Standards And Safety

The Food Safety Information Council